
The Webzine is still alive. Today it had a very major upgrade, since I have switched the entire website to a stable, robust blogging application called WordPress. It won’t look so different from you at a first perspective, but it is actually very different from behind, as it will allow me to have a far better and simpler management of the webzine.

I am not too familiar with WordPress, tho. That’s why you won’t still find any list of reviews and interviews YET, but I am studying it every day, so I will be able to create the pages hopefully in some time. In the meantime, I will have to make a second big move. The first time I collected reviews from all my old HTML websites to the new custom ASP one. Big work, but nice. Now I need to import all the old reviews in WordPress. Though and long thing, but not impossible. I seriously doubt I will be able to import directly from database to database, as the fields were very different. But I’ll check.

Talking about more concrete stuff, LOTS of reviews are on the way. I will corner the idea of the paper ‘zine for the moment becouse it’s blocking me from doing other things, like updating this one. I didn’t say I will NOT release issue #3. Just I want to revive the webzine a bit first. I am doing already some testing of this new program on my personal blog, and man, this thing is really fast and user friendly.

Where the fuck are all the old reviews??

Read above, they’re coming. I will update this new website often from now on. Besides, if you cannot resist reading some old stuff, have a look at the old Nuclear Abominations. It will stay there for some time while I am importing all the shit.

What’s up?

You might be wondering what’s happening in these days of silence. Well a few things have been building up behind the scenes. The printed version of Nuclear Abominations isn’t up yet, but that’s because I am still doing some interviews and am finishing a few detailed retrospective articles on Carcass and Beherit (with plenty of photos and infos). The tentative date of December wasn’t too optimistic however, because I trust it won’t take much more time. I am also lagging with reviews and have at least 50 new ones to do to catch up with promo material. I will post 2-3 reviews a day for the next few days to get to the present day, with the month of December excluded as originally planned.
As for the releases, two works are under construction right now: the Nuclear Death demo collection is way close to completion, I just need the artwork and layout finished hopefully by end January/February, I can assure you I am in control of the situation. The idea of a limited double Lp version is also vivid and much probable, but let’s not overtalk now as I usually do. I am also following a split release between Anatomia from Japan and Bowel Fetus from Australia, both total Autopsy worshippers as yours truly. We’re still discussing about the layout and much of the recording has yet to be done but see, if the Nuclear Death thing is going to take too long, that’s the next thing you’ll see from the label. You can check more details on the Nuclear Death release on the Official band website I registered last month (
Nuclear Abominations isn’t only about goregrind, but goregrind surely has some underground fascination on me, that’s why I also put up a forum/wiki website where you can find information about anything you need on this genre. If you play or know informations that are not listed there, please make your contribution, it’s easy and free.
I also took some pictures at the Just Killers No Fillers show in Germany last month, which I plan to post on this website soon. I have also read a few good books on webdesign techniques and finally got a digital camera, both things which should improve the website aesthetics.
A big hello to everybody who has kept in touch all these weeks of silence and don’t lose your faith, more reviews are to come SOON!

INTESTINAL DISGORGE (USA-Tx): “A Clockwork Whore Binge” Cd 2005 Sonic Death

I am telling this very sincerely: I remembered Intestinal Disgorge to be way heavier than this. When I was about to put this album in the player I was expecting hugely sick sewage scatological goregrind shit noise, but sincerely this stuff didn’t turn out to be as heavy as I hoped. The sound is quite clear all the time and the guitar distortion would fit better a modern Death Metal band. Lots of riffs are balanced between crusty modern grindcore a la Bolesno Grinje and some power chords a la Internal Bleeding and harmonics and stuff of clear Brutal Death origin, but I just don’t dig this mickey mouse vocals that seem like a timid attempt at playing the grindcore noise game. Even if sometimes some sick twisted savagery emerges, Japanese are able to condense all this and more in one quarter the songs contained in this “Clockwork Whore Binge”. There are also no lyrics inside, just a short story of a guy killing girls and masturbating on the strangled cadavers. And the cover is a very cheap piece of computer graphics, which to me suit a goregrind/noise release as well as a photo of a field of red flowers. No really, there is some deviation in here but it seriously need an extra dose of filth, if it was on vinyl, i would rub it on a dirty floor to add some craclking and dirt to this sound. Go back to the Rectal Sludge era, it was much better. Do not misunderstand me, this is not wimpy stuff, but it’s just they turned all the attention to noisy side leaks instead of making the whole songs a work of noise.

LAMENT CONFIGURATION (USA-Ga): “Demonic Incantations” Cd-r 2005 Vile Art

Reviewing a band after seeing Grotesque in concert is something quite painful to stand, especially when a band is so full to the brim of clichès and devoid of personality as this one. This is the kind of sad ballad Black Metal a la Burzum out of ideas. Musically this is nothing but of shit. One million kilos of reverb, which might as well hide Dream Theater beneath this veil of filth. Nothing wrong with it, so far so good if they leave the moaning continuously vibrating all the time. What kills everything here is that couple of happy, sing along rock and roll riffs which just fit the distant vocals like a dick in the pea soup. There is little to pity in this shit. If Black Metal is surely more about misanthropy and atmospheres, this fails tragically. There is a thin veil between dismal simplicity and being incompetent. This shit band stands right in the second field. The cover is standard greyscale with gothic fonts and stuff but well, this might as well be the case with this genre.

TEARDOWN (Fin): “Cold Rooms” Cd-r 2006 s/p [demo]

Well first of all I wonder how the fuck this thing got among my promo heaps. This kind of emo-goth shit is so mellow I wonder if I could stand it as a whole. Seeing this was a Finnish band I was pretty sure the singer was at least a hotbody of the turbo-pussy brand, so I started looking frantically for band pics on the Internet but I am afraid this chick came up even being not that hot as I hoped. Seriously speaking I hate this shit music and this is just a matter of integrity to cut this thing short. The production is fine but this kind of Lacuna Coil/69 Eyes etc sad and melodic (not to mention pretentuous) movement has really come to saturation years ago. The production is fine, and the structures are simple but they work. Hell, how can you do wrong whan you have 2 riffs per songs and they’re also copied them from another million bands before, just watch MTV for 2 or 3 hours and make a patchwork. This is a genre that’s going nowhere really, but I am afraid I am going to listen to this band someday in a metal pub… Decent packaging of the post-McKean era, with Photoshop gringe duotones and guys desperating. At least we don’t have an angel on the cover this time.

TUMOUR (Hol): “4-Way Cybergrind Pornogoremageddon” split Cd with BLOODY DIARRHOEA (Cze), PSYCHOSADISTIC HATERAPIST (USA/Ma), FUCK SAW (USA/Wi) 2006 Bizarre Leprous/Coyote/Urethra/Butchered/Sevared

Tumour are here again with a couple of new short killer tracks of their characteristically hyper-heavy, distorted one man goregrind. The vocals are still similar to the sound of water drained down a sinkhole, with a sound so heavily distorted it creaks and strains the recording equipment to red herring levels. A couple of short studio tracks bring us to an insane live Beligian show. I was listening to these tracks with professional headphones and I must say besides the strong chattering in the background everything sounds amazingly clear. You won’t believe me but I was able to recognize a few songs from the other Tumour Cds I already reviewed: this shit is mesmerizing sick and darn lovely. I find the label “pornogore” a bit narrow for Tumour, but they surely fit this split nonetheless. In the end the Cd also looks quite good, with a folding poster with Pierre from Braindead’s classic, blood soaked, stylish artwork holding the four covers together.

BOWEL FETUS (Aus): “Demos and rare shit” Cd 2006 s/p

Demos and rare shit

This Cd-r contains a lot of rare and alternate tracks from my beloved Bowel Fetus, a band able to mix gore-grind with the best of sludgly doom/death. The compilation opens with a ridicolously rare “The First Session” release (5 copies made?). Bowel Fetus here was more like classic mid tempo goregrind with a very fake sounding drum machine, the ability to program it better might be the greatest leap in quaily this band had since these tracks. Some hints of doom are present here, but as normal, the development is not as total as in “Bloodsoaked Doomageddon”. The “Rehearsal August/October 2004” includes tracks 5-8 and include another Impetigo cover, a personal version of “Wizards of Gore” mit cyber sounds, I am afraid the tribal feel of the song is almost on-existant here, but fuck, how can you possibly do as good as the original? The sound is very clear anyway, for a reharsal, but either I can’t hear them, or there are no vocals in these tracks. The riffs are okay, but are mostly mid-fast and that is probably not the real shit for this band. Listening to the last few tracks of this rehearsal, you could hear Impetigo were a big influence for Glen at the time, as they have that feel of punkish groove that was so perfectly deleoped by our gods of Illnoize. The ninth track is pure sludge/drone doom, originally recorded as a bonus for the split tape with Viscera. This is really when this band starts shitting violets as we say here, this stuff is phenomenal, a bit in the vein of “Transcendence into the Peripheral”, with a resounding vibe that always remind me of a empty hangar. Fast Autopsy-worshipping riffs and chain tire vocals are all present in this track, fully developed. The two songs from the split with Gruesome Toilet start with pure noize bursts, nothing more to add to 1 second long songs. But there are also some unreleased ones which have solid structure and rather diverse structures from the classic Bowel Fetus including a weird B-52 cover. The song from the split with Anal Throne is also quite atypical, mostly composed around a single chug, but it ends in a funeral doom leak. The album ends with an Autopsy cover… terrific!