Category Archives: Goregrind

DEVOURED FLESH REGURGITATION (Hol): “Bones, Flesh ‘n Partysnacks” Cd 2007 Grindhead

Devoured Flesh Regurgitation - Bones Flesh and PartysnacksI was complaining right the other day about the seemigly complete lack of serious goregrind bands with a real fucking line up and not just drum machine and computer bases. Luckily Grindhead from Australia has come in aid, as this Devoured Flesh Regurgitation album is just that, a real grindgore record with real musician, that took over 4 years in the making. It just feels reassuring that it was ot made overnight like so many releases today.

I actually hate the shouted punk vocals on this album, a la “old English way of early grindcore”, not becouse they’re not deep or whatever, but they just sound a bit fake in the mix – so to say out of place. Seems like someone just took an album that was already complete and mixed, and added some barking with a walkman. In other words I really believe they’re totally superfluous, get rid of that shit. BUT! This band has a double vocal approach (just like old ENT) and the second one is our beloved more reassuring, traditional octaved gargle of early RGTE and old Malignant Tumour. Soundwise the inspirations are many, from crust to more traditional grindcore with a lot of blasts and the classick touch of punk induced groove plus a bit of the blur of early noise bands like Sore Throat.  I really like it when all the instruments converge to a point where all the fury is unleashed in a wall of sound crowned with froglike croaks. Luckily we have something sick to listen to this time and age. There is not that excess of R’n’R groove that is abounding too much lately into grid in my opinion, and that’s another good point. We’re a bit far from the impossible damp heaviness of Last Days of Humanity and early Squash Bowels, but we’reon the right way. To get and support! The band split up in 2006, too bad!

Neat work with the packaging this time, the label is improving release after release. I would have skipped the embossing on the fonts, tho.

PS: Actually the vocals were really recorded later than the instruments.

FAECES ERUPTION (Hol): s/t split Cd with FLATV5 2007 Grindfest/Urethra

Faeces Eruption - splitAs usual, things get hotter when we are talking about Faeces Eruption. This band plays sick and blasting goregrind the real Dutch way, in the vein of Tumour and Acrotomophilia. Excessively soaked sound, hyper-harmonized hog vocals, gruesomely chaotic riffs that tend to blend in the background and sick pathological song titles. Geert here does everything, from drum programming to bass work, seems like Holland has a good share of one man projects playing Goregrind, maybe an offshoot of their formerly huge electronic music scene. I listened through and through the album 5 times and yet I cannot understand exactly the difference between the two productions as announced by the label. The sound seems quite similar to me but according to the info sheet, the second part should be way heavier with multiple bass lines. What else to say, this is a real massacre to pump up at full volume in the parking lot front of a cinema so you can look the horror on the face of common people. Multilayered grotesque vocals and one million bpm drum bloodbath, so adorable.

FLATV5 (Cze): s/t split Cd with FAECES ERUPTION (Hol) 2007 Grindfest/Urethra

Flatv5 - splitLately I have not been listening to much goregrind with drum machine, it all just kinda got me saturated with dozens of mostly pointless bedroom projects. But I recognize something good when I hear it, and this Flatv5 one man product does a nice work. The best part in the whole project is the songs are made up an extremely good guitarwork, reminding more of moshpit grindcore a la Neuropathia or Ahumado Granujo, rather than sludgy German stuff. The vocals are a mix of liquid gargles and hoarse screams, which are used mostly as an instrument (Sublime Cadaveric Decomposition-style) as I strongly doubt there are any lyrics here. George also uses some burps and animal squeals to spice things up and it works nice. Even if the songs are fast, it really sounds a bit lighter and simpler than the Faeces Eruption part but I admit I liked this band I didn’t know before. Flatvs5 is a project of Definitive Verdict member Geroge Prczaag, which recently moved from Metal to cyberworks. Even if one man projects are usually boring, this is a good band with lots of good ideas. You have to like relentless drum machine gunnery to properly appreciate it – though. Nice cover art , if somewhat clichèd.

GRUMO (Ita): “Karne” Cd-r 2007 s/p [demo]

Grumo - KarneReviewing this demo has been a difficult task I had it spinning several times before formulating a truthful analysis. First off, the positive aspects are several: I sort of liked the cut and paste cover and aesthetics, and honestly speaking – compared to the home dubbed tape I got 3 years ago, a HUGE step forward has been made. Now all the songs are clearly discernible, a definite personality has been reached and the vocals have a nice raucous range that go from spittle to roar.

That said, the bad things are hopelessly outnumbering the good ones. I couldn’t stand Italian lyrics at the time of Resurrecturis (and we’re talking 15 and more years ago) – go figure what I think of track names like “Abbadalucco”. This is just too far from my personal interpretation of grind. It’s a terrible mix of teenage slang and typical pizza-house dementia. There is this scum punk cheaply hilarious feel in the tracks which I just cannot swallow – slow happy mary-go-round tarantellas and aimless chugs do not make a band goregrind even today that cheap humour has permeated the scene. The sound too, is that of a walkman dubbed live school concert devoid of sickness and even noisecore hypersaturation. For some reason, Grumo seems to lack the tiny spark that is innate in many sludgy German Goregrind bands. The thin line that separates standard punk teenage riffs from the real gross mid-tempo grotesque thing they are surely inspired by (namely Gut, Utopie, Mucupurulent, Plasma, CBT, Bitch Infection etc.). I can hear the passion but there is a lot of crap that has to be taken away, just too much superfluous fuss. Go for the throat, don’t stop picking lilies on the road.

SPERMSWAMP (Can): “If Abortion is a Murder, Masturbation is a Genocide” Cd 2007 Lymphatic Sexual Orgy/Sindrome

SpermswampFor those who missed this demo in 2002 (me included) here it is, the repressing by two killer labels such as Sindrome and Lymphatic Sexual Orgy. This is the first release by our pals from Canada, and the sound was quite far from that of their latest CBT worshipping bonecrushing goregrind.

On the graphic side, this Cd is quite appealing, despite the extremely glossy paper (it’s so slick it seems oily… but that might be to simulate the texture of sperm eh eh). At last a goregrind release done with some taste (if we can call it that), the concept of cumshots flooding recently dead feti is nicely gross and well, that’s the right thing for goregrind.

Musically this is not extremely advanced. Seems like more influenced by KOTS and SMES, with a lot of ’80s coin-op style looops and super-distorted vocals. I like the fact it’s so raw and bluntly unprofessional, and also a little bit the humorous keyboard twists, but in general their latest stuff is much more appealing. This is extremely computer oriented music, with almost no feel of guitars and a very synthetic-sounding drum base, not to mention really fucked up vocals and a score of samples like buzzsaws and screams. But in general this shit works, and it’s much better than most cyber goregrind I have heard recently. Good shit, overally speaking.

WHORE EVIL (Mex): “Pure Fucking Whores” split Cd with PUTRID WHORE (Ita) 2007 Rotting Abortion

putridwhore-whoreevil.jpgWhore Evil is a bit more awkward and less advanced than Putrid Whore, their sound extremely raw and noisy and the vocals mostly gragling vibes. But I like them indeed, they are more purely grind than their partners in crime, with no coherent structure in the song, they sound like they want only to make noise, gurgrle in a mic, and hammer their instruments, which sounds fine. Listening to the riffs with care, they’re really simple, to the point of stupidity, and some are really just aimless chug chug, but in general they sound like fun to hear in the late night aftermath of a show. Not sublime, but more than decent. The humour is blunt and cheap on this part too, but not as demented as with Putrid Whore, thanksfully. No cartoons and stuff.

ULTIMO MONDO CANNIBALE (Ita): “Promo Pio 2006” Cd-r 2006 s/p [demo]

Ultimo Mondo Cannibale - Promo Pio 2006I thought this band was mainly a tribute to Impetigo, consisting of raw, punkish Death/Grind with a consistent Horror theme. But there is something quite different here. I love the total garageish amateur sound, and also the creative use of the vocals which are mainly deep and cut into single short grunts, but also enriched by a scattered phlegmy gargles. I also liked the quotes (taken from “Mangiati Vivi”- not sure, please correct me – and “Night of the Living Dead”, timeless classics). But despite the raw sound, some things are not fitting the scheme and move this demo towards something just slightly above mediocrity. The slow, rhytmic pace and mainly deep vocals, are clear connections to the late 90’s American Death Metal scene, the humorous jingles at the end and beginning of the demo are screaming “boring year 2007 fun goregrind”, and well, the song titles are just ranging from cheese humour to porn, which are not fitting spectacularly well with the horror samples. Porn, comedy or horror? Things are not clear at all. Seems like they want to take everything in without a real vision. Some identity is still missing in this band, but I look forward to hear more… some riffs are Autopsy worship which is a plus, and I think there is surely some good concept at the beginning, but their potential is far from exploited… well let’s see where this thing goes. No comments on the layout since this is a just a quick photocopied promo, but beware the images are very bad resolution…