HIPERMENORREA (Mex): “Lymphadenectomy for Carcinoma of the Esophagus and Gastroesophageal Junction” Lp Cd 2008 Alarma!

Ah ah ah! Great!! This is the fucking stuff I love to hear. Chainsaw slashing through bone, sinew and muscle, and blood spurting everywhere. Screams of agony and fear as the carnage grows. An incomprehensible logo, a face completely ripped off in a pool of blood on the cover, splattered entrails all through the booklet and meter-long song titles about horrible pathological monstrosities. This Cd has it all even before putting the Cd up. Complete with that respectable no-nonsense of gore-grind played below the longitude of the United States. Fuck humor, this is the real grind, faggots.

Once the Cd is on ans spinning however… things are definitely as good as expected! Contrarily to what happened before with other bands like Flesh Grinder, this is not a band that will delude you. This stuff really rocks: super-raw sound, complete with ultra crackling bass and gurgling gore vocals, sewage guitar distortion and fast blasting drum smashing. I definitely reccomend Hipermenorrea to all lovers of real goregrind, especially the ones that, like me, got tired of the comic book humor of Razorback bands, the nice and ordered grind of Swedish bands like Regurgitate and -horror – the fun loving approach of western European bands (bleah) or this disco music grind made in Germany. Mexico is still the shit to go if you look after the real spirit of GORE. These incomprehensible blood gargling vocals only deal with the most insane and deranged pathosplatter topics. Lovable. One might be tempted to do a comparison with early Disgorge… well on such a statement I would not agree… Disgorge was objectively much, much more complicated, original and suffocating, but anyway this band remains a good choice of pure goregrind, with even a good amount of sludginess now and then, among the grinding blasts. The abundant use of screams, bubbling and fermenting sounds between songs add sickness to the package. Total respect.
One thing I definitely have to admit I don’t like in this release is the booklet layout however, even though there is a good choice of splatter pictures. The arrangement of elements, the choice of fonts and the whole layout is as bad as early Garden of Grief or Last Episode releases. Seems like a kid placed this booklet together. This is the only thing that takes this Cd one little point below 9. Real great stuff. Buy or die.

8 thoughts on “HIPERMENORREA (Mex): “Lymphadenectomy for Carcinoma of the Esophagus and Gastroesophageal Junction” Lp Cd 2008 Alarma!

  1. EJ

    This is just sick, who would post some shit like this? Are you all sadistic freaks jacking off to the photograph of a poor HUMAN BEING who at the very least will never be able to enjoy life like others. You do not deserve your mouths and faces as nothing good comes of them but rather just sick and perverted scenes of grotesque violence. In my humble and unbiased opinion i believe it is because of people like you sick fucks that these kinds of scenes of gore and violence exist in our world. You deserve to be cut apart piece by piece… slowly and painfully starting with each knuckle of your fingers leading up to the hand… but you should be put on IV’s of plasma so that you do not bleed to death but rather live long enough for the incisions to completely cut off your limbs and let the last scene your eyes see before losing conscientiousness is your heart being ripped out of your chest and shoved into that fucking hole you call a face.
    You…you are the scum of the earth, adding nothing to society but grief and suffering. You deserve to rot in hell you sick son of a bitch, as anyone who finds enjoyment in these types of images deserves to die a horrible and painful death. All of you sadists and masochists sit around your computers comparing pictures of violent injuries which were either induced by others or self-inflicted. ANY OF YOU MOTHER FUCKERS WHO HAVE THE BALLS TO STAND UP FOR WHAT YOU ENJOY IN THESE IMAGES (assuming you haven’t cut them off) FEEL FREE TO REPLY TO THIS MESSAGE.
    P.S. the authorities have been notified and this website will be brought under federal investigation, under which it may be banned in the United States. Good luck with your sick obsessions as this is not the first or last website you sick fucks will be banned from. I will not give up, i will not cease to find where you fester like a cancer on this society. I will see to it that each and every site like this or others pertaining to the same subject matter WILL BE STOPPED.

  2. EJ

    This is just sick, who would post some shit like this? Are you all sadistic freaks jacking off to the photograph of a poor HUMAN BEING who at the very least will never be able to enjoy life like others. You do not deserve your mouths and faces as nothing good comes of them but rather just sick and perverted scenes of grotesque violence. In my humble and unbiased opinion i believe it is because of people like you sick fucks that these kinds of scenes of gore and violence exist in our world. You deserve to be cut apart piece by piece… slowly and painfully starting with each knuckle of your fingers leading up to the hand… but you should be put on IV’s of plasma so that you do not bleed to death but rather live long enough for the incisions to completely cut off your limbs and let the last scene your eyes see before losing conscientiousness is your heart being ripped out of your chest and shoved into that fucking hole you call a face. You…you are the scum of the earth, adding nothing to society but grief and suffering. You deserve to rot in hell you sick son of a bitch, as anyone who finds enjoyment in these types of images deserves to die a horrible and painful death. All of you sadists and masochists sit around your computers comparing pictures of violent injuries which were either induced by others or self-inflicted. ANY OF YOU MOTHER FUCKERS WHO HAVE THE BALLS TO STAND UP FOR WHAT YOU ENJOY IN THESE IMAGES (assuming you haven’t cut them off) FEEL FREE TO REPLY TO THIS MESSAGE. P.S. the authorities have been notified and this website will be brought under federal investigation, under which it may be banned in the United States. Good luck with your sick obsessions as this is not the first or last website you sick fucks will be banned from. I will not give up, i will not cease to find where you fester like a cancer on this society. I will see to it that each and every site like this or others pertaining to the same subject matter WILL BE STOPPED.

  3. Steve

    Hey EJ, go fuck yourself, literally. I’ve served my fucking country in the military so SUCK MY BIG WHITE COCK I’ll listen to whatever the fuck kind of music I want and I’ll blast it with my dual Alpine 12″ Type R’s right next to you in traffic so you can hear it loud and clear. And as for the gore, you pussies are so sensitized to death that you wouldn’t know what to do if you saw someone get hit by a car. Piss yourself and say “OHMAHHGAADDD” well guess what your fucking god isn’t here.

  4. Steve

    Hey EJ, go fuck yourself, literally. I’ve served my fucking country in the military so SUCK MY BIG WHITE COCK I’ll listen to whatever the fuck kind of music I want and I’ll blast it with my dual Alpine 12″ Type R’s right next to you in traffic so you can hear it loud and clear. And as for the gore, you pussies are so sensitized to death that you wouldn’t know what to do if you saw someone get hit by a car. Piss yourself and say “OHMAHHGAADDD” well guess what your fucking god isn’t here.

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