
The Webzine is still alive. Today it had a very major upgrade, since I have switched the entire website to a stable, robust blogging application called WordPress. It won’t look so different from you at a first perspective, but it is actually very different from behind, as it will allow me to have a far better and simpler management of the webzine.

I am not too familiar with WordPress, tho. That’s why you won’t still find any list of reviews and interviews YET, but I am studying it every day, so I will be able to create the pages hopefully in some time. In the meantime, I will have to make a second big move. The first time I collected reviews from all my old HTML websites to the new custom ASP one. Big work, but nice. Now I need to import all the old reviews in WordPress. Though and long thing, but not impossible. I seriously doubt I will be able to import directly from database to database, as the fields were very different. But I’ll check.

Talking about more concrete stuff, LOTS of reviews are on the way. I will corner the idea of the paper ‘zine for the moment becouse it’s blocking me from doing other things, like updating this one. I didn’t say I will NOT release issue #3. Just I want to revive the webzine a bit first. I am doing already some testing of this new program on my personal blog, and man, this thing is really fast and user friendly.

Where the fuck are all the old reviews??

Read above, they’re coming. I will update this new website often from now on. Besides, if you cannot resist reading some old stuff, have a look at the old Nuclear Abominations. It will stay there for some time while I am importing all the shit.

6 thoughts on “Yes.


    finalmente! Bravo mick!! Mi raccomando presente al tempo sabato che ci sono i Suffocation e la sera dopo a brescia coi Devourment! ( e ricordati il nostro 6 way split… ) :D


    finalmente! Bravo mick!! Mi raccomando presente al tempo sabato che ci sono i Suffocation e la sera dopo a brescia coi Devourment! ( e ricordati il nostro 6 way split… ) :D

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